As I have been preparing to launch my Freedom From Food course I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and praying. I’ve asked God to help me share His heart with you via these classes and He has been doing just that. I can’t wait to share what He has given me. More details will be coming soon! Stay tuned!

I’ve had the opportunity to help many women get on track with their health since I started back in December 2016. One of the women I coached lost over 40 pounds in three months. But as I have continued my work with women in the area of health and fitness from a Christian perspective, I’ve found that many are resistant to change and are comfortable with their current eating habits. Some cite being busy as the reason why they haven’t made any changes and others are honest and share that they like food too much to change.

I, too, feel the need to be honest with you. 

Many people are overweight and unhealthy, not merely because they eat unhealthy foods, but more often than not, they are gain weight and oftentimes damage their health simply because they eat too much food. I hear things like, “Girl, I devoured that food! I’m stuffed” or “I don’t have any more room in my belly, but I can’t leave this restaurant without trying their famous cake.” Sounds innocent, right? Wrong.

Overeating is gluttony. Gluttony is sin….and sin dishonors God.

When we think about sin we oftentimes think about lying, stealing, or sexual immorality. Somewhere along the way we’ve forgotten that overindulging is sin, too. I am not sharing this to convict you per se, but rather to change the way you think about food. Overeating is much more than we make it out to be. It is not something that can be swept under a rug. It dishonors God and as his children that is the exact opposite of what we’re supposed to do. We’re called to give glory and honor to his name with every inch of our being…..including our appetites.

I’ll never forget how I felt when the Lord showed me that I was committing gluttony. I was deeply convicted and I repented. God quickly reminded that His grace and mercy were sufficient to cover my past mistakes and to keep me on track in any moments of weakness and temptation that I would face in the future. And that’s my message to you today. God is big enough and strong enough to help you with your struggles with food. He will help you overcome them if you submit to Him.

Realizing that overindulging dishonors God has changed the way I think about food forever. Now, when I eat am conscious to only eat until I am satisfied, not till I am stuffed like I used to. This simple truth has helped me to lose nearly 40 pounds. More important than the weight loss is the fact I am intentionally honoring our great God.

This is getting a little long so I will end it here. Next week I’ll share with you the only way to overcome gluttony. If you feel that this email would be a blessing to anyone in your network, please feel free to share with them.